All About Cheapest Full Coverage Auto Insurance in California

For those of you who have just moved to California, you need to know the driving policy if you frequently travel by private car. Driving a car without having auto insurance is considered illegal because it is against the law. As a solution, you can find the cheapest full coverage auto insurance in California.

The fine you have to pay if you drive without auto insurance is around $100 to $200. The amount of the fine becomes even greater if you are caught driving without insurance from the first 3 years of the violation. You will have to pay a more expensive fine of $300 to $500.

The California government requires car drivers to have insurance because it is a form of financial responsibility. Drivers who purchase auto insurance will get financial assistance if an accident occurs. 

If you have purchased car insurance in California, make sure to always carry this proof with you when you travel. You can easily show the proof when the police ask for it.

The Cheapest Full-Coverage Auto Insurance in California Recommendations 

Auto insurance that provides full coverage is worth considering because it saves a lot of money if a problem or accident occurs with the car. Full coverage on auto insurance in California includes collision, comprehensive, and liability. 

The insurance provider will cover other losses besides car accidents, such as theft, fire, extreme weather, and vandalism. As for some recommendations of insurance companies in California that provide full coverage at affordable premiums, the following are the names of these companies along with their quotes:

  • State Farm: $268 per month
  • Geico: $284 per month
  • Mercury: $299 per month
  • Progressive: $407 per month
  • AAA NorCal: $457 per month

Keep that in mind, auto insurance premiums in California are two and a half times more expensive for young drivers than for adult drivers aged 30 years. An 18-year-old driver has to pay roughly $127 per month for minimum coverage, while a 30-year-old driver’s monthly coverage is only around $49.

Insurance providers provide more expensive monthly coverage costs to young drivers because they are considered to be reckless and have a high risk of accidents. Thus, if the young driver has an accident and the car is destroyed or damaged, comprehensive coverage will cover the loss.

Strategy for Saving on Auto Insurance

You can consider some of the strategies below if you want to save money on auto insurance.

1. Take Advantage of Multi-Car Discounts

If you have more than one car, try to choose insurance that protects multiple cars at mass rates. The benefits of multi-car insurance are not only economical but also practical because you don’t need to insure each car one by one. You only need to pay one premium per month.

Typically, consumers who purchase multi-car insurance policies have a chance to get a discount. You have the opportunity to get up to 25% discount.

2. Be a Careful Driver

The cheapest full coverage auto insurance in California is very possible to get if you are a careful driver. Insurers will look at your driving track record as a consideration in determining the monthly premium.

The less often you have an accident or traffic violation, the lower the premium you might get. It is because insurance companies will assess you as a safe driver and low risk of accidents. Thus, the company will not bear much loss.

3. Shop Around

To get cheap insurance, you need to be more persistent in comparing the offers given by insurance companies. You don’t need to go to the insurance provider’s office one by one because you can visit the company’s official website.

You can find the quotes and coverage provided by the insurance company after filling in your data completely. Furthermore, the company will calculate to get quotes that reach your needs and financial capabilities.

After getting quotes from several insurance providers, you can also find which company offers the cheapest quotes with comprehensive coverage. This little sacrifice is worth trying because it can save your expenses in the future.

4. Downsize Your Vehicle

You can also save on auto insurance by downsizing the car you have. If you only use the vehicle for personal use, then you can choose a car with a smaller size or a smaller passenger capacity.

The larger the vehicle, the more expensive the premium you will pay. Downsizing the vehicle enables you to get the 5% cheapest full coverage auto insurance in California.

5. Increase the Deductible

Insurance policyholders must pay the deductible every time they make a claim. You can increase your deductible if you want to purchase less monthly premiums. Remember, do the calculations carefully in determining the deductible so it doesn’t burden you when making a claim.

The consequence of choosing a low deductible is that you have to purchase a higher monthly premium, but you don’t have to spend a lot of money when claiming the event of an accident or damage. 

6. Consider the Length of Stay

Generally, auto insurance rates will continue to increase from time to time. You need to consider this when moving to California. If you’re only staying for a few months, it’s best to use public transportation services to make it more economical.

However, if you have plans to stay longer in California, it is definitely essential to purchase insurance if you want to use a private car.

7. Talk with the Insurance Provider

Don’t hesitate to talk to your insurance provider if you’re looking for the cheapest quotes with comprehensive coverage. Every consumer always wants to save expenses and get maximum benefits.

You can ask if the auto insurance company provides special discounts for employees of certain companies or military personnel. By expressing your intentions, you also have a higher chance of getting affordable premiums.

Which of the Cheapest Full Coverage Auto Insurance in California You’ll Purchase?

Broadly speaking, having auto insurance in California is a must for drivers as it is a financial responsibility. Some companies offer the cheapest full coverage auto insurance in California you can choose based on your needs. Get it soon to make driving more convenient!