Living as an Expat in SA? Get Your Car Insurance Quotes South Africa

South Africa is an exotic country with stunning wild nature and rich culture. Becoming an expat in this country will give you a different experience. However, to get peace of mind, you should have car insurance. Get car insurance quotes South Africa that can give you comprehensive coverage for your car.

In some developed countries, vehicle owners must have car insurance, but not in South Africa. Although the government does not require you to have vehicle insurance, you still need to buy it because the accident rate in South Africa is pretty high. It is not only accidents that show a high rate, but also car theft cases.

That’s why you need to buy car insurance if you don’t want to suffer high losses due to accidents or theft. You certainly don’t expect this bad thing to happen to you. However, if it turns out that you have to become a victim of theft or an accident occurs, then the insurance company will compensate for the loss.

Guide to Buying Car Insurance in South Africa

Many insurance companies in South Africa offer protection for your car. Knowing that each company has different quotes, you should get to know the key factors to consider. Please follow the guidelines below before you shop for car insurance.

1. Company Reputation

As an expatriate living in a new country, you may not know much about any reputable company. Please find out the insurance company’s reputation by visiting the official website. Usually, companies will provide a comment column so consumers can give their reviews.

If many consumers give positive comments and are satisfied with the services provided, then you can consider this insurance provider. Conversely, if many consumers give negative reviews or even no reviews at all, you should look for other insurance providers.

2. Claim Process

The next guide when you look for car insurance quotes South Africa is to know the claims process. You can ask the insurance employee to get clear and valid information. Some points you should ask are how easy the claim process is and how long you have to wait.

An easy and fast claim process will benefit policyholders in obtaining their rights. On the other hand, if the claim process is complicated and lengthy, you will most likely have to use your funds to pay for the accident losses.

The lengthy process of insurance claims is not only financially disadvantageous but also a waste of your time. To prevent this from happening to you, ask or get detailed information earlier.

3. Policy Coverage

Another crucial factor you shouldn’t skip when shopping for car insurance is getting coverage information provided by insurance providers. Generally, the amount of the monthly premium will determine the coverage provided.

Asking about insurance coverage in detail is normal to ask potential customers. They will consider the coverage and whether it is following what is needed. Apart from that, you also have to be proactive in asking or finding out what is not included in insurance coverage.

Thus, you can prepare separate funds for things that are not covered by insurance. This careful step can save you financially from any unexpected needs you may encounter.

4. Deductible or Excess options

You also have to know the deductible or excess before buying car insurance. The deductible is the personal money that you have to pay to the insurance company when you are going to make a claim. Generally, the high or low deductible is determined by the monthly premium you choose.

The higher your monthly premium, the lower the deductible fee you will incur when making a claim. As an illustration, your car is damaged and it costs $350 to repair it. Your insurance deductible is $150, the remaining $200 will be covered by insurance. Thus, you only need to spend $150 for the repair.

Considering that you will always pay this deductible every time you make a claim, choose the amount of deductible according to your needs and ability to get the maximum benefit.

5. No-Claim Bonus

When looking for car insurance quotes South Africa, you may also ask if there are bonus offers. Remember to ask if the insurance provides transfer services to other insurance companies. If so, it will make it easier for you if you want to switch to another company.

Additional Forms of Car Insurance 

You also need to know the additional forms provided by insurance providers to independent policyholders. These additional forms are beneficial because it provides extra protection. Additional forms you may find include the following:

1. Legal Insurance

If you encounter problems in making a claim and taking legal action to resolve it, additional forms of insurance will help you. Legal insurance coverage will cover the costs that you incur while pursuing a lawsuit in court.

Legal fees are quite a drain on money because usually the process is pretty long and cannot be completed at one time. With an additional form of legal insurance, you can be more relieved and save money on unnecessary expenses.

2. Breakdown Assistance

If you get an additional form of breakdown assistance insurance, there is no need to be confused when the car suddenly breaks down. Insurance coverage will provide a replacement vehicle when your car is damaged in South Africa. In addition, this insurance coverage will also cover towing costs.

3. Medical Insurance

Car insurance policy owners can also get additional forms of medical insurance. You can use this additional form when you are injured in an accident. The insurance provider will cover medical expenses so you no longer need to spend personal funds.

Ready to Get Your Car Insurance Quotes South Africa?

You can get car insurance quotes South Africa more easily after knowing some of the key factors above. To start getting quotes, please visit the insurance provider’s website and fill in your complete data. 

The data includes addresses, monthly income, driving history, and many others. If you have completed this data, the insurance company can provide an estimate of the premium and coverage that fits your needs and financial condition. So, prepare the budget, and let’s purchase car insurance now!