Discover The Health Insurance Hong Kong Expat: Guide for Expatriate

Hong Kong as a business center naturally attracts people to live there. The high intensity of business can be seen from a large number of expats from various countries. Everything related to needs, including medical services, increases. Health insurance Hong Kong expat is one need that must be owned by expatriates.

Discover The Health Insurance in Hong Kong for Expats

Living in Hong Kong permanently or not requires high health insurance as well. Given Hong Kong’s density and high mobility, it is possible for people to need guaranteed health services. The Hong Kong government is aware of the importance of this health insurance.

Therefore, every native and foreign citizen living in Hong Kong has the right to health insurance. Everyone who has a Hong Kong id card can get equal health facility services, and it’s free. However, foreigners especially need to pay a small fee.

If you already have public healthcare insurance, you no longer need to buy a private one. But for some special conditions, you can still choose to buy private health insurance Hong Kong for expat, even though the price is very expensive.

How is the Healthcare System in Hong Kong for Expatriates?

Expatriates living in Hong Kong will be satisfied with all the facilities to support their lives there. This includes medical services. Expatriates can choose the public healthcare or private healthcare they want. All of them are easily accessible, and each has a different system.

1. Public Healthcare in Hong Kong

The main requirement to be able to access public healthcare for free is to have a Hong Kong ID Card. This applies to everyone, even expatriates. So as long as you have a Hong Kong ID card, you can get public health facility services for free.

Sometimes, expatriates have to pay a small additional fee to get medical facilities that suit their needs. As a foreigner, the government will carry out fewer subsidies than native citizens.

This added cost is sometimes equivalent to the added cost of personal insurance. On the other hand, the health facilities provided by the government for the public are usually at a high level. However, you may get lower service.

The reason is that there will be many people who also need this public healthcare. Those who feel that public health facilities are less effective will tend to choose to buy private health insurance only.

2. Private Health Insurance Hong Kong for Expat

There are at least 12 international standard private hospitals that cooperate with many health insurance companies in Hong Kong. Most expatriates will choose the more effective path of buying private health insurance.

On the other hand, the costs that must be incurred are not much different from the costs of public healthcare. Thus, most expats choose to utilize private healthcare. 

In addition, by having private health care insurance, expatriates will be more comfortable because they don’t have to wait in long queues.

Expats can choose a health insurance plan that suits their budget and needs. Some health insurance companies even offer 5-star hotel facilities, with spacious rooms and delicious food.

What is the Coverage of Health Insurance Hong Kong Expat?

Public healthcare in Hong Kong will cover the costs of clinics, hospital visits, and specialists. Every health facility in each region has provided adequate services according to the capacity of the population. However, it may take longer than private healthcare.

Otherwise, ambulance facilities in all hospitals in Hong Kong are available 24/7. For emergency care in Hong Kong, it works very well. All residents can also get treated properly because drug stocks in pharmacies can always be accessed at any time.

a. Does the Healthcare System Cover Dental Treatment?

Unfortunately, the public healthcare system in Hong Kong does not cover dental fees. Unless you’re in an emergency. If expatriates need services for dental examinations, then one way is to buy an insurance policy from private health insurance Hong Kong expats.

Who is Entitled to Get Health Insurance?

Everyone who has a Hong Kong ID card has the right to get public healthcare for free. This system will be automatically integrated with the hospital. 

For example, if you have a family member living with you, as long as that person has a Hong Kong ID card, he can get that facility. In addition, retirees can also get health facilities as long as they have a Hong Kong identity card.

Expatriates living in Hong Kong for more than 6 months usually will get a Hong Kong identity card. However, if you live less than that, then you don’t need a Hong Kong ID card, provided you still pay for public healthcare without government subsidies.

The Benefit of Private Health Insurance Hong Kong Expat

Most expatriates prefer to buy private healthcare. Not only for reasons of the same cost as public healthcare but also for faster handling. In addition, not all medical staff at public hospitals can communicate in English, so they may have difficulty communicating with expats.

Private health insurance in Hong Kong for ex-pats more or less covers almost the same medical needs as public healthcare. It’s just that, for private health insurance, expatriates can choose which plan they want, according to the budget. Even if they want advanced facilities. Here are some facilities they may obtain:

  • Dental care in advance, providing dental examination services for mild cases and more severe cases, such as surgery.
  • Maternity care, routine check-ups, ultrasound, and other advanced facilities.
  • Preventive measures, examinations, hospital visits, and treatment.
  • Traditional Chinese medicine.

Cigna is one of the most popular health insurance companies in Hong Kong with international standards. Cigna helps provide complete medical facilities for examinations such as MRI, CT, and PET. Supports surgery costs, and cancer care.

Flexible health plans, making it easy for expatriates from all countries. Moreover, there is an additional 10% discount for sick family members, and people over 60 years old. So, health insurance Hong Kong expats will be a perfect solution to take care of your health in the future. 

Healthy is Expensive

Health costs in Hong Kong are quite expensive, and so should you plan to buy private health insurance. However, at least you can choose an affordable insurance policy for your health. 

Whether or not the costs you incur are expensive, depends on the area covered by insurance, age, and plans. So, ensure to choose a flexible insurance company, and according to your needs.